Wednesday, July 2, 2014


This past Wednesday, July 7th, I was featured on Proclaim It blog-talk-radio show! I was connected to the show's host Aqueelah Sabriyah by my younger sister by chance via Twitter actually. Immediately Aqueelah reached out to me about an interview shedding light on the ins and outs of how I started Lateef Accessories. Also featured on the episode with me was Akilah Clark, Editor-In-Cheif of Nura Magazine.
It horrifies me a little bit to share this link (here) because the sound of my own voice makes me cringe. However, I won't withhold any potentially valuable info; especially considering how eloquently Alikah shared insight on operating her independent magazine. My greatest desire is to inspire and break away the illusion of limitation shackling the youth. I want to see the proverb 'where there's a will there's a way' ascend beyond cliche and into a common mentality. If I can somehow inspire that or plant a small seed in one person, I will content. That's my wish.
I have to say this was a really cool experience, the whole interactive atmosphere really interests me. I've never met either of these inspiring ladies which really speaks to the value in technology's ability to connect people. I wish nothing but the best for these young women in their endeavors and hope to connect and even meet in person in the future! Meanwhile, I'll be following them virtually and encourage everyone to do the same.

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